
Irtirevittyjä hampaita

This dedication also marked the beginning of an increase in her penance. She wore a metal spiked crown on her head, which was covered by roses and an iron chain around her waist. Her fasting became more frequent and her sleep less frequent. Her diet included only what she saw as the bare essentials, usually including only coarse foods and never including meat. She sometimes only drank water with bitter herbs as sustenance, other times her only meal was the Holy Communion. Even in her weakened state, she wouldn't be comforted by recovery. The bed she made for herself was made of broken glass, thorns and stone.

Eksyin lukemaan pyhimyslegendoja. sitaati kertoo Liman pyhän Rosan arjesta 1500-1600 lukujen taitteessa. Hukkasin jo sen sivun, jolla hänen kerrottiin tunteneen kauhua ja vavistusta ajatellessaankin vuodettaan.

Kaimani pyhä Eufemia oli yksi niistä, joiden kiduttaminen ei ollut ottaa onnistuakseen vaikka pyövelit kuinka yrittivät. Joidenkin lähteiden mukaan häneltä mm. revittiin hampaat. Lapsena kammosin eniten niitä Poen tarinoita (muistaakseni niitä on useampi kuin yksi), joissa irrotettiin hampaita.

Kaikille niille, joiden kirjeisiin en ole viime aikoina vastannut: kalmanlinja ensi viikolla rajoittaa.