

Victorian mechanics and engineering presented a different obstacle to the expansion of scientific authority and resources. Practical inventions of Victorian craftsmen – steam engines, telegraphs – did almost as much to stall the entry of science into universities as the stonewall tactics of the Church. Many Britons believed that technical progress in the Industrial Revolution was not dependent on scientific research, and some, like William Sewell, believed that science impeded the flowering of practical technology. [...] If technological progress was detached from scientific research, then the need for greater financial support of scientists and enlarged scientific education would go unappreciated by the British public and its politicians.
Moreover, as engineers began to "professionalize" by claiming expertise over certain technical issues, they sometimes confronted scientists who tried to assert their own technical authority.

Aina kun arvelee jonkin vastakkainasettelun olevan jotenkin väistämätön tai luonnollinen, kannattaa muistaa, että 1800-luvun Britanniassa kirkko ja insinöörit olivat yhtä mieltä siitä, ettei luonnontieteitä tarvitse rahoittaa julkisilla varoilla tai opettaa yliopistoissa. Sitaatti on Thomas F. Gierynin artikkelista "Boundary-Work in Professional Ideologies of Scientists".

Olen flunssassa, joten en ole lenkillä tuomenkukkien tuoksussa. Kunniasta, osa 3 on tulossa kunhan pääsen taas työhuoneelleni. Kirja, jota tahdon siteerata, on siellä.

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