

On non-market days, however, with fewer commuters, the matatus took a long time to fill and would not leave until they were full. This caused delays in the research schedule. Sometimes we were forced to wait for as long as three hours. Consequently, it was often preferable to walk on non-market days.
Shadrack Irili, my research assistant, partly solved the transportation situation by providing his bicycle on which we rode to different places in Bunyore. This means of transportation also had its problems. The months of March, April and part of May are the rainy season in this area of Kenya and the narrow village paths were muddy and frequently impassable for bicycles. Sometimes, the rivers, especially Ekhalakhala and Esitsie, were flooded. [...]
Most of the writing of this dissertation was done at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, where I faced constraints with respect to availability, quantity and quality of reference material. Firstly, Kenyatta University does not have a folklore department, so the folklore section in the library is meager and mostly composed of out-dated titles published in the 1970s. Secondly, the literature section of the library was equally inadequate, with very few titles that were relevant to my study.

Luen Ezekiel Alembin folkloristiikan väitöskirjaa The Construction of the Abanyole Perceptions on Death Through Oral Funeral Poetry. Hän väitteli Helsingissä vuonna 2002. Olosuhteet, joissa hän laati tämän aika hämmentävän mutta erittäin kiinnostavan väitöskirjan, muistuttanevat monilta osin tutkimusolosuhteita Suomessa noin 150 vuotta aiemmin.

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Blogger Scribe of Salmacis said...

Toisaalta jopa suurten ja hyvin varustettujen yliopistojen kirjastojen anti sanelee hyvin pitkälle sitä, millaista keskustelua käydään. Asiaa ei ratkaise edes mahdollisuus tilata kirjoja ulkopuolelta tai ostaa niitä. Ajalliset ja rahalliset resurssit voivat tulla vastaan jo perusaineiston haalimisessa kokoon ja tosiasiassa kaikkia laiskottanee. Toisia enemmän kuin joitakin muita. Lisäksi lainajärjestelmän hidastempoisuus johtaa jopa Helsingin yliopistossa siihen, että moni joutuu ohittamaan relevantteja lähteitä. Sellaista avointa ja kriittistä tutkimustyötä.


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